Saturday, August 1, 2020

Post from my archives

This is an old post I had started a long time ago and for whatever reason never finished. This past week I was reminded of my blog and realized that I haven't looked at it in a long time. With so much happening this past year and the changes that are coming I want to get this up and running again.
This post was originally named, "Midwifery is Educating Others"
 As I have been studying to be a Midwife I have learned that it is so much more than just catching babies. Just like when you go to the doctor and have questions about your health midwives have to be knowledgeable too.
Learning how to teach proper breastfeeding techniques
We have been learning about different teaching techniques and how to reach your people group. Kimberly wants to serve the people in Nepal so her lesson plan was using things on hand with no technology. She did a great job of using pictures and songs with motions.
Kimberly teaching breastfeeding.
We have done lesson plans on childbirth and family planning too. To give us practice and make sure we know our material everyone got the opportunity to teach a segment of their lesson plan. Some of our class will stay in the US or be in developed nations so they used power point in their presentations.
Allie using a power point presentation
Part of my lesson plan was on proper nutrition in pregnancy which was for a Haitian audience.
Unfortunately I didn't think to ask anyone to get pictures of me teaching. I have saved all my teaching material in the hopes of using it in Haiti soon.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Home Birth - It's not a scary thing

While I have been in school for midwifery I have been learning about normal birth and how birth is God designed. Through the years I have had the privilege of supporting friends and family while they gave birth. Up until I started this course all the births I have been to were in the hospital.
In America we are taught that if we're good parents that want healthy babies then we have to deliver our babies in a hospital. Only someone who is irresponsible or a radical would consider a home birth. I have learned that healthy low risk women can safely give birth at home and actually have a better success rate with less interventions.
Listening to the fetal heart
I have been learning what home birth looks like and while I was in Hawaii I had the privilege of attending my first home birth.
Big sister listening to baby's heart.
Home birth can sound like a scary thing but for a healthy woman and baby it is safe.
Meeting the newest addition 

This birth was one of the most peaceful births I have ever witnessed. The first hour after birth we quietly monitored in the background while the family had a chance to bond with new baby. 

Bonding with baby while mom showers.

There were no bright lights or loud noises or medical staff pulling baby away for check-ups, baby had a gentle peaceful entrance into this world and it remained that way. Our team monitored momma and baby while we cleaned up and got them settled in for the night. We let them get a good nights sleep and the next morning we came back to check on momma and baby.
24 hour check-up / healthy baby

We did several follow-ups over the next few weeks, momma and baby did great and had no complications. Our final postpartum visit was a six weeks, as our parting gift we did a photo shoot of baby for the family.

Six weeks old, healthy and growing like a weed
As always I appreciate all prayers and words of encouragement. I'm thankful to be able to follow the calling that God has placed on my life. If you would like to contribute towards either my schooling or cost of living, I have three easy ways to give. If you need a record of your giving for tax reasons you can give through my church by downloading the Givelify App on your phone. Once you have the app on your phone search churches, Orchard Church 763 Battlefield Pkwy. Ft Oglethorpe, GA 30742.

Image result for clip art givelify app

After you register the church will have a link with my name on it just follow that and my church will forward the funds to me. Checks can be mailed to church, make the check out to Orchard Church. Don't put my name on the check but include a note with it letting them know to forward the funds to me.
Another way is to give through PayPal, just follow this link
Remember giving through PayPal is not tax deductible.
Any questions you have about my schooling or journey towards going to Haiti please feel free to ask.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Blood work and placing IV's

In school we have had midwives from all over the country come and impart their knowledge to us. The thing I have heard consistently from every one of them is that 'midwives are so much more than baby catchers'. With the skills we are learning I'm seeing that more and more.
Learning the basics
The first skill we learned was giving injections and checking glucose (blood sugar) levels.
Me giving an injection
Now we have moved to more involved procedures, drawing blood for lab work and IV placement.
Looking for "flashback" of blood
 Everybody did a great job and in my opinion was very brave.
Everyone took a turn and willingly was the patient
 Our instructor even offered her veins for practice.
Lizzy (our instructor) was willing to let some practice on her
 There is a lot of information that goes along with these skills, what labs are we drawing for and why would a mother need an IV.
 While midwifes in a developed nation might not sharpen all these skills because of the resources available close by, anyone working in an under developed area wouldn't necessarily have easy access to emergency help.
Learning the different areas you can draw blood from
 Nobody likes getting stuck by a needle but we all need the practice so we'll have the skill once we're taking care of mothers and baby's.
Even I got stuck
We had an entire week of practice. Everyone ended the week with marks (and some bruises) on their arms but we also got some confidence in our skill level.
First attempts at blood draws
 We even did emergency scenarios so we could practice the skills that we have learned so far.
Emergency scenarios 
 We practiced what we would do if a mother had excessive bleeding after giving birth and started going into shock. And yes we actually inserted an IV. Our instructor did put us on a little bit of a time constraint but there was also tremendous grace since we're still honing our skills.
We use fake blood to get an idea of what to much blood looks like
 In these emergency scenarios I think whoever is playing the patient probably has the most difficult role.
I'm learning so much and there are times I feel overwhelmed with it all but I know that once I'm out in the real world God will help me with my skills and knowledge.

As always I appreciate all prayers and words of encouragement. I'm thankful to be able to follow the calling that God has placed on my life. If you would like to contribute towards either my schooling or cost of living, Also I need to renew my passport which is an extra expense that you can help with. I have two easy ways to give. If you need a record of your giving for tax reasons you can give through my church by downloading the Givelify App on your phone. Once you have the app on your phone search churches, Orchard Church 763 Battlefield Pkwy. Ft Oglethorpe, GA 30742.

Image result for clip art givelify app

After you register the church will have a link with my name on it just follow that and my church will forward the funds to me.
Another way is to give through PayPal, just follow this link
Remember giving through PayPal is not tax deductible.
Any questions you have about my schooling or journey towards going to Haiti please feel free to ask.