Saturday, August 26, 2017

Clean Water For Haiti

Clean water is something that we usually take for granted in America but there are other places in the world that aren't as fortunate. I enjoy sharing what God has allowed me to do and what countries He has given me the opportunity to visit.
Hanging out with some children in a small fishing village

One day I met a nice gentleman that was selling survival products and while talking to him I began telling him about my trips to Haiti. He gave me his card and told me to let him know the next time I went to Haiti. This gentleman was aware of the water situation in Haiti and wanted to help.
A very polluted waterway in a city
This river is used for everything, even drinking water with no filtering
I had the privilege of delivering life saving water filters that this gentleman generously donated for our trip.
The bucket with the hose attached is a filtration system
Our group delivered water filters to several villages, they were all in one filter kits that could be installed onto a five gallon bucket. I learned how to install and maintain the filters before I left home so I could properly instruct the leaders of the village to care for them.
Explaining how the system works to a pastor
Putting the buckets together
This was actually the first one we put together
I love being able to show the love of Jesus in practical ways and I feel so honored that I was able to be a part of this.
This village got two filters, one for the church and one for the school
Another village church being blessed
While sharing my love for Haiti I have been blessed by complete strangers that have been inspired to show the people in Haiti that they are not forgotten.
Thank you for helping me show the love of Jesus to those who feel forgotten and unloved. I am looking at possibly going back to Haiti to work (volunteer) at a hospital on the Northern boarder. If you would like to help, as always, you can give through PayPal just click on the link. 

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Construction in Haiti

"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" Isaiah 6:8 NIV

This past February I had the privilege of going back to Haiti with a church group I hadn't traveled with before. A childhood friend had invited me and I was excited to see another part of Haiti.
Excited to go to Haiti

 We stayed at a church in St Marc, an area that I had never been to before.
Church that our team stayed at, our room was on 2nd floor
St Marc is a large city on the West coast.
The store we got groceries at was on this street

We had a great team and I made some new friends that love Haiti as much as I do.
This is the biggest tree I've ever seen up close (a rare thing in Haiti)

Our team was there to help with construction of a school in Calmini. The group I was with has been sponsoring and helping in this area for several years now.
The construction site
I've never been on a trip that was specifically for construction and Haitian construction is different from American so I wasn't sure what help we could be ☺ The people make their own bricks for building and that is where we came in ... the bricks are laid out in the sun away from the building site to dry and can add a lot of work time just transporting them. Our team carried the bricks from the "dry site" to the work area.
Lunch break in the back of our truck
While our team didn't actually build anything we did what we could to help make the workers job a little easier.
Calmini is a village that is spread out in a large area
On this trip my camera broke 😞 So I wasn't able to get as many pictures as I normally do. I did have a cell phone with me but it was two days before I was able to find a memory card so I could take more pictures.
I love this country
Kids in Calmini coming out after school
I'm always looking forward to the next time opportunity to go somewhere to show people the love of Jesus, if you would like to be a part of this you can always give through PayPal 

Saturday, August 12, 2017

A year later

It's hard to believe that I haven't been on my blog for over a year. This past year has been stressful and full of changes. In July 2016 my family had a hard heartbreaking month. On July 3rd my dad had a heart attach and was hospitalized (he is fine and doing great now), then on July 4th my grandmother passed away. Our family traveled to Michigan to mourn Grandma and to surround Grandpa with love and support. Then on July 30th my mother and I were driving back up to Michigan to help Grandpa go through Grandma's things when we got a phone call that he had been in a fatal accident that afternoon.
The next several weeks my mother and I made many trips to Michigan to get my grandparents things taken care of. It's accurate to say we were shell shocked. But among the grief there was also joy, we had two new additions to our family. A girl born in mid July and a boy born early September.

With so much going on with our family, keeping up with emails and a blog have taken a back seat. However, with all the changes I was able to go to Haiti in February this year.
In my next entry I'll tell you about my time in Haiti :)
Thank you for your patience while I was working on family things.
As always I'm looking for my next opportunity to go wherever the Lord sends me and if you would like to help out you can donate through PayPal in this link,