We may not always realize that everything we do,
Affects not only or lives, but touches others, too;
For a little bit of thoughtfulness that shows someone you care,
Creates a ray of sunshine, for both of you to share...
Yes, every time you offer someone a helping hand.
Every time you show a friend you care and understand.
Every time you have a kind and gentle word to give;
You help someone find beauty, in this precious life we live.
For happiness brings happiness, and loving ways bring love;
And giving is the treasure, that contentment is made of.
Author Unknown
I make friends everywhere I go and they have a place in my heart.
I love going places, it doesn't matter where. But, I think Haiti has an extra special place in my heart.
I can't wait to see what door God opens next.
But no matter where I go I believe Haiti will also be a destination.
I'm applying to go to school for Midwifery in Third World Countries, If you would like to help more information will be in my next blog.