Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Reflecting on the holiday.

Grab a cup of coffee, this story is a little long and I have tried making it shorter but I was unsuccessful. I hope you enjoy.
 One of the common things I hear during the month of January is how glad people are that the holidays are over. I have got to say, this makes me sad. The holidays are suppose to be a time of family and unity, a time to be thankful and to remember that Jesus came to earth for us. Instead it has become a stressful time that everyone seems to focus on "just making it thru".
This past holiday season was different for me because part of it was spent away from my family. I was in the Bahamas working at the ALC during Thanksgiving. Being an American I tend to forget that Thanksgiving is an American holiday however I am happy to say that Bahamians enjoy a good Thanksgiving meal too.
sorry about the side ways picture
While we had turkey and mashed potatoes there was also peas and rice and crab salad. The menu was very different from any I had ever had before, but it worked and it was very good. I was asked to help plan the festivities and I agreed. My room mate was feeling homesick and having a hard time with being away for the holiday so I decided that we would make it as festive as possible and not let myself get stressed and grouchy.
Chelsea, my room mate during the last part of my stay
As with anything in life plans can change, things happen and whatever you plan doesn't work out like you thought it would.
At the ALC there are two Haitian men that are the grounds keepers. The week before Thanksgiving there was a fire in the Haitian village and several families, including one of our workers lost everything. Thankfully no one was seriously hurt but they made it out with literally the clothes on their backs and nothing else.
We wanted to show them that we were thinking of them, so we decided to invite them over for Thanksgiving.. This meant preparing more food, getting more place settings, and providing transportation for everyone. I felt my stress levels rising, I didn't want to disappoint anyone and I wanted to make sure Chelsea had a festive holiday.
Cleaning up the dining hall, getting ready
Chelsea wanted to help more than just sharing a meal with them, she wanted to give them something they would need so her and I went shopping.
And put together gift bags with things they would need, socks, deodorant, toothpaste, soap, washcloths, etc.
As home sick as she was, Chelsea decided to reach out to others and show the love of Jesus in a practical way rather than focus on herself. That is what the holidays are about!!
Eric, one of the missionaries at the ALC drove one of the buses to the Haitian village and picked up the family's that were affected by the fire and brought them over for a American/Bahamian Thanksgiving dinner.
We served the Haitians first to make sure there would be enough food for them to have their fill.
And then the workers (friends and family) from the ALC filled their plates.
There was plenty of food to go around, and those that wanted were able to pack up plates of leftovers and to take home.
Chelsea and I got to hand out the gift bags to our new friends as they got ready to leave.
Tim and Felicia, full time missionaries in the Bahamas
Tim and Felicia also brought pillows, sheets, and blankets for the family's.
Nobody went away empty handed.
Everybody came together and worked really hard. At times it was stressful and I caught myself letting the joy of the season get away from me. But I had to remember that it wasn't about me so instead of thinking of how glad I am that the holidays are over I can look back with a smile and say "it was a good day".

1 comment:

  1. that was a wonderful evening!! I didnt have as many resonsibilities as you and mrs. ada but i felt overwelmed too with the last minute rush trying to accomodate the families affected by the fire. i was so happy everything went the way it did. God bless you and chelsea i remember being there while you guys were trying to put those gift baags together. even that was a little frustrating because i couldnt help with any money and i know you girls werent used to the prices of groceries and things here so your dollars werent going to stretch as much as you hoped. however, the Lord showed us His goodness in allowing to you to get wonderful things somehow and be a blessing in His name. Praise the Lord!
