Friday, September 13, 2013

Thank-you Grandma and Grandpa

A while back I wrote some tributes to some of my biggest contributors, I didn't finish doing that and I want to give honor to whom honor is due. There is a wonderful sweet couple in our church that everyone calls Grandma and Grandpa and they have been very supportive in my mission trips.
Many people in Haiti don't have easy access to medical care. Some villages are so far out that they don't even have roads. Haiti is a relatively small country yet some people have never even traveled outside of their town or village. Life consists of trying to survive from day to day.
 The group that I traveled to Haiti with carries medicine to those who wouldn't normally have access to a doctor.
Packing and oraganizing meds
People are suffering from sicknesses that we don't have to deal with here at home.
Two sweet little boys being treated with an antifungal
Because people like Grandma and Grandpa gave we were able to give we were able to carry life saving medicine to some of the people in Haiti.
People will wait all day in the hot sun just to see a doctor

This is a practical and effective way of sharing the love of Jesus.

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