Thursday, October 25, 2018

First week of school

I have officially made it through the first week of Midwifery school!!! (This posting is a little late, I had major issues getting my pics off my phone and onto my computer. I really miss my camera)
Exploring the area
Our classes are set up that we lectures Monday thru Friday from 8am to Noon, on Monday's we have clinical skills from 1pm to 4pm and on Wednesday's we have prenatals from 1pm to 5pm. Our first clinical skills class was handwashing and putting on sterile gloves.
Amy explaining the proper steps
Yes, there is actually a certain technique that has to be followed for handwashing. Especially when you're getting ready to hold and access a newborn baby.
Technique is important

Everybody in the class got a turn to see if they could remember the proper steps.

Handwashing is such a basic step but it's also a very important one.

Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of us donning our gloves. This skills day was an easy one for me after working so many years in the OR where I had to scrub my hands and glove sterilely almost daily.

We didn't do actual prenatal exams our first week, instead we learned about what we should be able to accomplish in an exam.
Different positions the baby can lay in the womb

I can't wait until we get to start feeling pregnant bellies! This is going to be a great adventure.
We are fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps 139:14)
As always I appreciate all prayers and words of encouragement. I'm thankful to be able to follow the calling that God has placed on my life. If you would like to contribute towards either my schooling or a vehicle I have two easy ways to give. If you need record of your giving for tax reasons you can give through my church by downloading the Givelify App on your phone. Once you have the app on your phone search churches, Orchard Church 763 Battlefield Pkwy. Ft Oglethorpe, GA 30742.
Image result for clip art givelify app

Once you register the church will have a link with my name on it, you can give and my church will forward the funds to me.
Another way is to give through PayPal, just follow this link
Remember giving through PayPal is not tax deductible.

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