Sunday, October 13, 2013

Future Plans

In June of this year I traveled to Jamaica to visit a ministry there to see if God was sending me that way. It is a fairly young ministry that is growing and needs workers. While I was there I fell right into place and immediately felt like one of the group.
While I was in Jamaica we discussed the possibility of my working there full time. Currently there is one full time missionary and more workers are needed.

Warm Whispers Ministries is in the process of developing their property for a youth center. Currently there are 170 local children (we have names and addresses) that hang out on the property. These are children that are looking for something to do and want a safe place to hang out at.
I saw the need first hand and it touched my heart.
On Sept 24th I drove down to McDonough Ga to meet with the board of directors.

The meeting went well and I have been invited to go work in Jamaica full time. So if all works out I will be going in January as the "Children's Activity Coordinator"
If you get a chance check out the ministries web site  warmwhispersministries

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Fall is here

Life has been so busy that before I realized it September was here and gone. Sorry about my absence and thank-you for your patience.
My aunt had major surgery so I was keeping her daughter while she was recuperating. So I found myself making lunches, sitting in carpool lines and reading bedtime stories.
In the mist of being busy with just everyday life my cat, Tigger, got very sick. My kitty didn't make it :( It's amazing how attached we get to our pets. My dad was a great comfort to me and buried my Tigger for me.
Tigger was so tiny when he joined our family
By the time he was two he weighed 15lbs, all muscle
I have also been in therapy for my arm, with having therapy three times a week that can take up a good portion of my time.
Working on getting motion back in my wrist
With all that is going on, I have also been working on my next mission trip. I will be flying out November 1st for a medical mission trip to Haiti.
More details to come .. And hopefully it won't take me a month to update :)