Saturday, March 1, 2014

February was very busy

It's hard to believe that March is here, what happened to February? I have been working full time and that has dominated my week days. Because I have a hard time finding the time to do anything during the week my weekends are very busy. And if I don't have personal things to take care of then other things require my time. Now I'm not complaining, but I guess I am making excuses for not writing on my blog last month.

One weekend my cousin got to stay with me. We had a great time shopping, reading, talking and playing.
Decorating Cookies
Work of art
I would like to give a shout out to my cousin Stefan ...
Happy Graduate
The weekend that Maya stayed with me happened to be the same weekend of Stefan's graduation from culinary school.
After the ceremony the adults had a good time visiting with each other while the kids played.
Ok, hold still for just one picture please :)
My mom and I took turns getting snuggle time in with the newest member of our family.
Sweet Maggie
I would like to be able to say that I'll do better in March but I don't want to make promises I might not keep :) So without making any promises I will try to be more vigilant in my writing .. Maybe I need my mom to give me her sweet reminders. Mom? Will you help me?