Friday, December 26, 2014

Haiti 2014

This year has been so full of ups and downs. At the beginning of the year I thought I would be going to Haiti by March or April then when my uncle fell and broke his back my focus became him instead of Haiti. As he got stronger and more independent I began to think about Haiti again. Granted it wasn't an easy task to accomplish but God opened the door and some friends and family stepped up so I could go.

So on November 6th I took off on a Haitian adventure!! This trip wasn't like any other I have been on, instead of going with a group this time it was just me and a friend. While we were traveling together our goals were different. My purpose was to visit different ministries and see what was going on and possibly if there was a place for me to work in Haiti in a more full time position. Heather, on the other hand, had two different goals. She has two children that she and her husband adopted from Haiti and she wanted to look for some of their families. She also wanted to see some of the more beautiful areas of Haiti.
Since we were there for two weeks and visited several ministries I'm going to write about each place individually instead of trying to discuss it all at once.
Our trip was full of adventure and a few disappointments but it is one that I'm glad we went on.

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