Saturday, January 19, 2013


A merry heart doeth good like a medicine  Proverbs 17:22a
 The other day I got an email from a wonderful friend, Tika Penn, from the Bahamas that made me laugh and every time I think about it there is a smile on my face. Tika was trying to get video of a lamb from the Adventure Learning Centre (ALC) that I named Emma. She is chasing after Emma saying her name and telling her that the video "is for Ms Terri". I wish I was tech savvy enough to post it on here for you to see. Emma is running around bleating so loud you can barely hear Tika and Tika is running after her trying to get a good picture.

Some of the memories in the Bahamas that make me smile the most have animals in them. Over the Summer (2112) we had an explosion of births and getting to help with them was so much fun. Let me explain what the ALC is first, it is a day camp for the children in the Bahamas to hear the gospel of Jesus while learning about science. It has a small zoo / petting farm, a planetarium, wetlands, and nature trails. If you would like to find out more about them they have a website .

Because of Tika's email I thought it might be nice to share some of my favorite pictures of the animals at ALC.
Me holding Emma
Emma with her momma
Twim lambs with their momma, shortly after being born
Tika with Bambi (Lamb she got to name)
Poppy, the daddy of our little goats
Chelsea (my room mate) holding one of the baby goats
Latitia holding one of the babies, we had so much fun with them
Angel holding Jessica our baby raccoon. So cute!
This was one of my favorite animals, however he did not like being held so no pictures of me with him :)
I hope you enjoyed :)

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