Friday, February 15, 2013

The beach in Haiti

Ocean view in Jacmel Haiti
Aug. 21, 2011, My second day in Haiti was a Sunday so our group went to church. There is nothing like sitting in a church service where you can't understand anything that's being said. :) We didn't have interpreters with our group so we had to watch the congregation and follow their lead. But there was a unity worshiping together that only God can orchestrate.
Calvary Chapel Mission Team :) :)
After church our group got to go to the beach. It was our one day to relax and enjoy the beauty that Haiti had to offer. There was a tropical storm headed our way so there were lots of waves, evidently the water is usually very calm.
It was a great day of relaxing and getting to know each other before our week of ministry began.
People work every day just to survive

The beauty of the ocean contrasted with the poverty on the road's edge.
This is where vendors set up trying to sell us their wares
The locals came to see if the foreign visitors would buy anything from them. I ended up buying a couple of painted sea shells from two little boys. I paid way more than they were worth but I couldn't help myself, the kids were just so cute and I wanted to help them out.

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